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BLONDE BOSS with Alicia Orabella and Jessica Bartolucci

BLONDE BOSS – 2 days with Alicia Orabella and Jessica Bartolucci

Empower your blonding business during this comprehensive two-day session. Become a true Blonde Boss by dissecting every facet of the blonding process, ensuring an all-encompassing understanding from the initial consultation to post-service maintenance.

Program Highlights:
1. Formulation Mastery for Diverse Blondes:
- Unlock the secrets behind crafting formulations for diverse blondes, from buttery tones to icy pastels and beyond.
- Gain knowledge of the pre and post blonde treatments that set your blonding formulas up for success.

2. Time-Efficient Techniques for Predictable Outcomes:
- Acquire time-saving strategies and insider tricks that ensure efficiency without compromising on the predictability of exceptional outcomes.
- Learn 2 complete blonding techniques designed to help with time efficiency and client desires.

3. Intelligent Blonding for Dimension:
- Discover smart techniques to craft dimensional blondes that are both stunning and authentically believable.

Who Should Attend:
- Hairstylists aiming to refine their expertise in the art of blonding and elevate their business.
- Salon Professionals that are looking for a new approach to their blonding services.

Salon Haus is located 5 mins from the airport with many hotel options based on the experience you are looking for.

Sun 08/04/24
9:00 AM PT
Mon 08/05/24
5:00 PM PT

  • Vegas Style Salon
  • 5715 S. Eastern Avenue, Suite 103
  • Las Vegas, NV 89119
Get Directions

SKU: EDUBB8452024